So that brings me to the actual mod part of the post. So then I went off and scoured the internet (mostly just Sketchfab) and found kind of a huge pile of free resources to accomplish exactly that goal. I thought “would be kinda cool if we had something like that in Skyrim”. You take your little screenshooting location, and you take your outfit, and you take your character, and you take 1 or 2 pics of them in this setup, and then you go to a completely different setup, because this is designed to be digital photography, where you have any number of locations, but they’ll small and confined. A while back, I realised that certain programs designed specifically for fancy screenshooting, such as DAZ, had this really kind of disconnected way of working. Okay, so here’s what the heck is actually going on. This thing is 8gb compressed, and 20gb in your Skyrim install. I mean that in the literal filesize sense. What that actually means is I abandoned all my things I should be doing in order to do something way different.
So there was no mid-month update this month? You thought maybe I’d keep you more up to date on what I was doing after that post last month? Well, I will, but this month, there was a reason.